Scenario: Whenever an user enters your site, he is asked to pick a theme to use when navigating your site.
Solution: Store user's selection using Spring Session scoped bean
1. Annotate your bean
@Component @Scope(value = "session", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class UserSelection{ private String selectedTheme; //and other session values public void setSelectedTheme(String theme){ this.selectedTheme=selectedTheme; } public String getSelectedTheme(){ return this.selectedTheme; } }
2. Inject your session scoped bean
@Controller @RequestMapping("/") public class SomeController{ private UserSelection userSelection; @Resource public void setUserSelection(UserSelectio userSelection){ this.userSelection=userSelection; } @RequestMapping("saveThemeChoice") public void saveThemeChoice(@RequestParam String selectedTheme){ userSelection.setSelectedTheme(selectedTheme); } public String doOperationBasedOnTheme(){ String theme=userSelection.selectedTheme(); //operation codes } }In above code snippet, Although 'SomeController' has scope of singleton(default scope of Spring bean), each session will have its own instance of UserSelection. Spring will make the judgement, and inject a new instance of UserSelection if the request is a new session.
Required jars
Besides spring library, aopalliance and cglib jar are also required